Run the main program
Step 1: Connect to the server
As we did in the Configure SSH connection section Step 3.
Step 2: Create and open directory
- Create new folder in your temporary directory for running simulation. You don’t want to run any simulation directly in the work folder because it has slow disk RW speed and limited storage size.
cd scratch
mkdir test-run
- Click
Open Folder
and navigate to the folder you created, then clickOk
Step 3: Create input files
For a quick start, you can copy input file from the example folder under your corresponding main program, such as for ferroelectric apps/muFerro/examples
cp /storage/home/xuc116/work/PhaseFieldSDK/apps/PhaseFieldFerroelectric/examples/basic/*.toml .
If you copy the above command, remember to replace the user name with your own username.
Step 4: Test run the simulation
Before submitting a simulation job, you can first try running the simulation with a smaller system directly on the login node. Remember you have to shrink the size of these calculations, because login node has limit on memory. To do so, you need to open the input.toml file and update the values behind the simulation_grid keyword.
Since we have already configured the muferro alias in the previous step, you can simply call muferro
within the test-run
folder to start the ferroelectric program.
Step 5: Submit simulation jobs
- Prepare a pbs file, here is an example pbs file for PSU ACI server, let’s call it ferro.pbs
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l pmem=5g
#PBS -A open
#PBS -N jobname
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -M [email protected] -me
module load intel
module load mkl
module load impi
echo `date`
echo `date`
- Submit the job to pbs queue with
qsub ferro.pbs